Thursday, August 26, 2010

Late Night work and Working Out

I'm working late yet again on my Vinyl toys and getting some new ideas for a paintings as well. Listening to Weezer as I pick up the paint brush and do some detail on my Rocketeer Munny that I made. Its nice and quiet and dog hasn't barked once at imaginary things in the yard. It was a pretty good day today as I traveled to Long Beach for the weigh in for the Biggest Loser competition. No I'm not an extremely Fluffy person or as Gabriel Eglesia's would say "OH HELL NO" i'm pretty average. The winning team wins 50 grand which is awesome my team is awesome we are called 'TEAM VENTURE" and I got running gear to the colors of the Monarch. I want to be healthy so I wanted to something like this for a long time and money is a great motivater. I got my salad and my gatorade in the fridge now I'm ready to run with my iPod that has my running songs. It's been a very inspirational day and I can't wait to hit the roadwork tomorrow in the morning.
In other news I just contacted a great Photographer named named Jeremy David please visit his website because its amazing. ( I want him to take some picture of me and Jessica to promote "SANDBOX HEROES" something cool like a Wes Anderson inspired picture with all our creations in the background. I can't wait to do the shoot. By the way Hurray for Friendship because water does not freeze in Columbia

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